2022 Resolutions

RESOLUTION 2022-01 Applying to Wisconsin Environmental Fund
RESOLUTION 2022-02 National School Choice Week
RESOLUTION 2022-03 Eagles Heart and Cancer
RESOLUTION 2022-04 Applying to Wisconsin Environmental Fund
RESOLUTION 2022-05 Mississippi River Trail
RESOLUTION 2022-06 Termination of TID 5
RESOLUTION 2022-07 April 29 Arbor Day
RESOLUTION 2022-08 Migratory Bird Day
RESOLUTION 2022-09 Municipal Clerks Week
RESOLUTION 2022-10 National Police Week
RESOLUTION 2022-11 Adopting Sewer rates
RESOLUTION 2022-12 Northern Grain Belt Port Statistical Area
RESOLUTION 2022-13 DNR Principal Forgiveness
RESOLUTION 2022-15 Water System Revenue Bonds
RESOLUTION 2022-16 $720,000.00 GO Bonds for Street Projects
RESOLUTION 2022-17 $1,105,000.00 GO Refunding Bonds
RESOLUTION 2022-18 Notice to Electors Relating to Bond Issues
RESOLUTION 2022-19 For the sale of not to exceed $1,825,000.00 GO Bonds Series 2022A
RESOLUTION 2022-20 Initial Resolution to discontinue Fisher Street RR Crossing
RESOLUTION 2022-21 21 Setting Time and Place for Hearing on Resolution Discontinuing the Fisher Street Railroad Crossing on St. Feriole Island,
RESOLUTION 2022-22 Requesting Financial Assistance through the Community Development Investment (CDI) Grant Program to support the “Tavern Ballroom”
RESOLUTION 2022-23 Resolution Awarding the Sale of $1,825,000 General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 2022A
RESOLUTION 2022-24 Closing the Fisher Street Crossing - DID NOT PASS
RESOLUTION 2022-25 White Cane Day
RESOLUTION 2022-26 Applying to Wisconsin Environmental Fund
RESOLUTION 2022-27 Reimburse expenditures from proceeds of a borrowing for Water System Improvements
RESOLUTION 2022-28 Applying for Vibrant Spaces Grant