Planning Commission

The City Plan Commission advises the City Council on all planning and land use issues including providing recommendations on applications to change the zoning classification of property. The Plan Commission also hears and decides applications for conditional use permits. The Plan Commission consists of seven voting members and one ex-officio member. One member is Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission, and one member is a member of the City Council who is appointed by the Mayor. The members are appointed by the Mayor with approval by the City Council. The Assistant City Attorney is an ex-officio member of the Commission. Plan Commission members serve 3-year terms.

Members: (Term expires May 1)
  • Dave Hemmer (Chairperson)
  • Mike McCoy Chair of the Parks and Recreation Commission)
  • Nick Crary (Council Representative)
  • Dan Key (2027)
  • Bruce Strnad (2027)
  • Linda Munson (2025)
  • Ross Ritchie (2027)